The Tommyknockers Read online

Page 62

  Sundays always left him feeling exalted. And exhausted.


  So it was Monday, the fifteenth of August, before Leandro finally tossed his yellow legal pads, his Sony tape recorder, his Nikon, and a gadget-bag filled with film and various lenses into the front seat of his used Dodge and prepared to set out for Haven ... and what he hoped would be journalistic glory. He would not have been appalled if he had known he was approaching ground-zero of what was shortly to become the biggest story since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

  The day was calm and blue and mellow--very warm but not so savagely hot and humid as the last few days had been. It was a day everyone on earth would mark forever in his memory. Johnny Leandro had wanted a story, but he had never heard the old proverb that goes, "God says take what you want ... and pay for it."

  He only knew that he had stumbled onto the edge of something, and when he tried to wiggle it, it remained firm ... which meant it was maybe bigger than one might at first think. There was no way he was going to walk away from this; he intended to excavate. All the David Brights in the world with their smart cracks about Jimmy Olsen wristwatches and Fu Manchu could not stop him.

  He put the Dodge in drive and began to roll away from the curb.

  "Don't forget your lunch, Johnny!" his mother called. She came puffing down the walk with a brown-paper sack in one hand. Large grease spots were already forming on the brown paper; since grade school, Leandro's favorite sandwich had been bologna, slices of Bermuda onion, and Wesson Oil.

  "Thanks, Mom," he said, leaning over to take the bag and put it down on the floor. "You didn't have to do that, though. I could have picked up a hamburger--"

  "If I've told you once I've told you a thousand times," she said, "you have no business going into those roadside luncheonettes, Johnny. You never know if the kitchen's dirty or clean.

  "Microbes," she said ominously, leaning forward.

  "Ma, I got to g--"

  "You can't see microbes at all," Mrs. Leandro went on. She was not to be turned from her subject until she had had her say on it.

  "Yes, Mom," Leandro said, resigned.

  "Some of those places are just havens for microbes," she said. "The cooks may not be clean, you know. They may not wash their hands after leaving the lavatory. They may have dirt or even excrement under their nails. This isn't anything I want to discuss, you understand, but sometimes a mother has to instruct her son. Food in places like that can make a person very, very sick."


  She uttered a long-suffering laugh and dabbed momentarily at the corner of one eye with her apron. "Oh, I know, your mother is silly, just a silly old woman with a lot of funny old ideas, and she probably ought to just learn to shut up."

  Leandro recognized this for the manipulative trick it was, but it still always made him feel squirmy, guilty, about eight years old.

  "No, Mom," he said. "I don't think that at all."

  "I mean, you are the big newsman, I just sit home and make your bed and wash your clothes and air out your bedroom if you get the farts from drinking too much beer."

  Leandro bent his head, said nothing, and waited to be released.

  "But do this for me. Stay out of roadside luncheonettes, Johnny, because you can get sick. From microbes."

  "I promise, Mom."

  Satisfied that she had extracted a promise from him, she was now willing to let him go.

  "You'll be home for supper?"

  "Yes," Leandro said, not knowing any better.

  "At six?" she persisted.

  "Yes! Yes!"

  "I know, I know, I'm just a silly old--"

  "Bye, Mom!" he said hastily, and pulled away from the curb.

  He looked in the rearview mirror and saw her standing at the end of the walk, waving. He waved back, then dropped his hand, hoping she would go back into the house ... and knowing better. When he made a right turn two blocks down and his mother was finally gone, Leandro felt a faint but unmistakable lightening of his heart. Rightly or wrongly, he always felt this way when his mom finally dropped out of sight.


  In Haven, Bobbi Anderson was showing Jim Gardener some modified breathing apparatus. Ev Hillman would have recognized it; the respirators looked very similar to the one he had picked up for the cop, Butch Dugan. But that one had been to protect Dugan from the Haven air; the respirators Bobbi was demonstrating drew on reserves of just that--Haven air was what they were used to, and Haven air was what the two of them would breathe if they got inside the Tommyknockers' ship. It was nine-thirty.

  At that same time, in Derry, John Leandro had pulled over to the side of the road not far from the place where the gutted deer and the cruiser requisitioned to officers Rhodes and Gabbons had been found. He thumbed open the glove compartment to check on the Smith & Wesson .38 he had picked up in Bangor the week before. He took it out for a moment, not putting his forefinger anywhere near the trigger even though he knew it was unloaded. He liked the compact way the gun fitted his palm, its weight, the feeling of simple power it somehow conveyed. But it also made him feel a trifle skittery, as if he might have torn off a chunk of something that was far too big for the likes of him to chew.

  A chunk of what?

  He wasn't quite sure. Some sort of strange meat.

  Microbes, his mother's voice spoke up in his mind. Food in places like that can make a person very, very sick.

  He checked to make sure the carton of bullets was still in the glove compartment, then put the gun back. He guessed that transporting a handgun in the glove compartment of a motor vehicle was probably against the law (he thought again of his mother, this time without even realizing he was doing so). He could imagine a cop pulling him over for something routine, asking to see his registration, and getting a glimpse of the .38 when Leandro opened the glove compartment. That was the way the murderers always got caught on Alfred Hitchcock Presents, which he and his mother watched every Saturday night on the cable station that showed it. It would also be a scoop of a different sort: BANGOR "DAILY NEWS" REPORTER ARRESTED ON ILLEGAL-WEAPONS CHARGE.

  Well then, take your registration out of the glove compartment and put it in your wallet, if you're so worried.

  But he wouldn't do that. The idea made perfect sense, but it also seemed like buying trouble ... and that voice of reason sounded altogether too much like the voice of his mother warning him about microbes or instructing him (as she had when he was a boy) on the horrors which might result if he forgot to put paper all over the ring of a public toilet before sitting on it.

  Leandro drove on instead, aware that his heart was beating a little too fast, and that he felt just a little sweatier than the heat of the day could explain.

  Something big ... some days I can almost smell it.

  Yes. Something was out there, all right. The death of the McCausland woman (a furnace explosion in July? oh really?); the disappearance of the investigating troopers; the suicide of the cop who had supposedly been in love with her. And before any of those things, there had been the disappearance of the little boy. David Bright had said David Brown's grandfather had been spouting a lot of crazy nonsense about telepathy and magic tricks that really worked.

  I only wish you'd come to me instead of Bright, Mr. Hillman, Leandro thought for perhaps the fiftieth time.

  Except now Hillman had disappeared. Hadn't been back to his rooming house in over two weeks. Hadn't been back to Derry Home Hospital to visit his grandson, although the nurses had had to boot him out nights before. The official state-police line was that Ev Hillman hadn't disappeared, but that was catch-22, because a legal adult couldn't disappear in the eyes of the law until another legal adult so reported that person, filling out the proper forms in consequence. So all was jake in the eyes of the law. All was far from jake in the eyes of John Leandro. Hillman's landlady told him that the old man had stiffed her for sixty bucks--as far as Leandro had been able to find out, it was the first unpaid bill the old guy had left in his life

  Something big ... strange meat.

  Nor was that all of the weirdness emanating out of Haven these days. A fire, also in July, had killed a couple on the Nista Road. This month a doctor piloting a small plane had crashed and burned. That had happened in Newport, true, but the FAA controller at BIA had confirmed that the unfortunate doc had overflown Haven, and at an illegally low altitude. Phone service in Haven had begun to get oddly glitchy. Sometimes people could get through, sometimes they couldn't. He had sent to the Augusta Bureau of Taxation for a list of Haven voters (paying the required fee of six dollars to get the nine computer sheets) and had managed to trace relatives of nearly sixty of these Havenites--relatives living in Bangor, Derry, and surrounding areas--in his spare time.

  He couldn't find one--not one--who had seen his or her Haven relations since July 10th or so ... over a month before. Not one.

  Of course, a lot of those he interviewed didn't find this strange at all. Some of them weren't on good terms with their Haven relations and couldn't care less if they didn't hear from or see them in the next six months ... or six years. Others seemed first surprised, then thoughtful when Leandro pointed out the length of time they were talking about. Of course, summer was an active season for most people. Time passed with a light easiness that winter knew nothing about. And, of course, they had spoken to Aunt Mary or Brother Bill a time or two on the phone--sometimes you couldn't get through, but mostly you could.

  There were other suspicious similarities in the testimony of the people Leandro interviewed, similarities that had made his nose flare with the smell of something decidedly off:

  Ricky Berringer was a house-painter in Bangor. His older brother, Newt, was a carpenter-contractor who also happened to be a Haven selectman. "We invited Newt up for dinner near the end of July," Ricky said, "but he said he had the flu."

  Don Blue was a Derry realtor. His Aunt Sylvia, who lived in Haven, had been in the habit of coming up to take dinner with Don and his wife every Sunday or so. The last three Sundays she had begged off--once with the flu (flu seems to be going around in Haven, Leandro thought, nowhere else, you understand--just in Haven), and the other times because it was so hot she just didn't feel like traveling. After further questioning Blue realized it had been more like five Sundays since his aunt had favored them--and maybe as many as six.

  Bill Spruce kept a herd of dairy cows in Cleaves Mills. His brother Frank kept a herd in Haven. They usually got together every week or two, merging two extremely large families for a few hours--the clan Spruce would eat tons of barbecue, drink gallons of beer and Pepsi-Cola, and Frank and Bill would sit either at the picnic table in Frank's back yard or on the front porch of Bill's house and compare notes about what they simply called the Business. Bill admitted it had been a month or more since he'd seen Frank--there had been some problem first with his feed supplier, Frank had told him, then with the milk inspectors. Bill, meanwhile, had had a few problems of his own. Half a dozen of his holsteins had died during this last hot-spell. And, he added as an afterthought, his wife had had a heart attack. He and his brother just hadn't had time to visit much this summer ... but the man had still expressed unfeigned surprise when Leandro dragged out his wallet calendar and the two of them figured out just how long it had been: the two brothers hadn't gotten together since June 30th. Spruce whistled and tilted his cap back on his head. "Gorry, that is a long time," he had said. "Guess I'll have to take a ride down Haven and see Frank, now that my Evelyn's on the mend."

  Leandro said nothing, but some of the other testimony he had gathered over the last couple of weeks made him think that Bill Spruce might find a trip like that hazardous to his health.

  "Felt like I was dine," Alvin Rutledge told Leandro. Rutledge was a long-haul trucker, currently unemployed, who lived in Bangor. His grandfather was Dave Rutledge, a lifelong Haven resident.

  "What exactly do you mean?" Leandro asked.

  Alvin Rutledge looked at the young reporter shrewdly. "Another beer'd go down good just about now," he said.

  They were sitting in Nan's Tavern in Bangor. "Talkin's amazin dusty work, chummy."

  "Isn't it," Leandro said, and told the waitress to draw two.

  Rutledge took a deep swallow when it came, wiped foam from his upper lip with the heel of his hand, and said: "Heart beatin too fast. Headache. Felt like I was gonna puke my guts out. I did puke, as a matter of fact. Just 'fore I turned around. Rolled down the window and just let her fly into the slipstream, I did."

  "Wow," Leandro said, since some remark seemed called for. The image of Rutledge "letting her fly into the slipstream" flapped in his mind. He dismissed it. At least, he tried.

  "And looka here."

  He rolled back his upper lip, revealing the remains of his teeth.

  "Ooo see a ho in funt?" Rutledge asked. Leandro saw a good many holes in front, but thought it might not be politic to say so. He simply agreed. Rutledge nodded and let his lip fall back into place. It was something of a relief.

  "Teeth never have been much good," Rutledge said indifferently. "When I get workin again and can afford me a good set of dentures, I'm gonna have all of em jerked. Fuck em. Point is, I had my two front teeth there on top before I headed up to Haven week before last to check on Gramp. Hell, they wasn't even loose."

  "They fell out when you started to get close to Haven?"

  "Didn't fall out." Rutledge finished his beer. "I puked em out."

  "Oh," Leandro had replied faintly.

  "You know, another brew'd go down good. Talkin's--"

  "Thirsty work, I know," Leandro said, signaling the waitress. He was over his limit, but he found he could use another one himself.


  Alvin Rutledge wasn't the only person who had tried to visit a friend or relative in Haven during July, nor the only one to become ill and turn back. Using the voting lists and area phone-books as a starting point, Leandro turned up three people who told stories similar to Rutledge's. He uncovered a fourth incident through pure coincidence--or almost pure. His mother knew he was "following up" some aspect of his "big story," and happened to mention that her friend Eileen Pulsifer had a friend who lived down in Haven.

  Eileen was fifteen years older than Leandro's mother, which put her close to seventy. Over tea and cloyingly sweet gingersnaps, she told Leandro a story similar to those he had already heard.

  Mrs. Pulsifer's friend was Mary Jacklin (whose grandson was Tommy Jacklin). They had visited back and forth for more than forty years, and often played in local bridge tournaments. This summer she hadn't seen Mary at all. Not even once. She'd spoken to her on the phone, and she seemed fine; her excuses always sounded believable ... but all the same, something about them--a bad headache, too much baking to do, the family had decided on the spur of the moment to go down to Kennebunk and visit the Trolley Museum--wasn't quite right.

  "They were fine by the one-by-one, but they seemed odd by the bunch, if you see what I mean." She offered the cookies. "More 'snaps?"

  "No thank you," Leandro said.

  "Oh, go ahead! I know you boys! Your mother taught you to be polite, but no boy ever born could turn down a gingersnap! Now, you just go on and take what you hanker for!"

  Smiling dutifully, Leandro took another gingersnap.

  Settling back and folding her hands on her tight round belly, Mrs. Pulsifer went on: "I begun to think something might be wrong ... I still think that maybe something's wrong, truth to tell. First thing to cross my mind was that maybe Mary didn't want to be my friend anymore ... that maybe I did or said something to offend her. But no, says I to myself, if I'd done something, I guess she'd tell me. After forty years of friendship I guess she would. Besides, she didn't really sound cool to me, you know--"

  "But she did sound different."

  Eileen Pulsifer nodded decisively. "Ayuh. And that got me thinking that maybe she was sick, that maybe, God save us, her doctor had found a cancer of something inside her, and she didn't want any of her old frien
ds to know. So I called up Vera and I said, 'We're going to go down to Haven, Vera, and see Mary. We ain't going to tell her we're coming, and that way she can't call us off. You get ready, Vera,' I says, 'because I'm coming by your house at ten o'clock, and if you ain't ready, I'm going to go without you.' "

  "Vera is--"

  "Vera Anderson, in Derry. Just about my best friend in the whole world, John, except for Mary and your mother. And your mother was down in Monmouth, visiting her sister that week."

  Leandro remembered it well: a week of such peace and quiet was a week to be treasured.

  "So the two of you headed down."


  "And you got sick."

  "Sick! I thought I was dying. My heart!" She clapped a hand dramatically over one breast. "It was beating so fast! My head started to ache, I got a nosebleed, and Vera got scared. She says, 'Turn around, Eileen, right now, you got to get to the hospital right away!'

  "Well, I turned around somehow--I don't hardly remember how, the world was spinning so--and by then my mouth was bleeding, and two of my teeth fell out. Right out of my head! You ever hear the beat of it?"

  "No," he lied, thinking of Alvin Rutledge. "Where did it happen?"

  "Why, I told you--we were going to see Mary Jacklin--"

  "Yes, but were you actually in Haven when you got sick? And which way did you come in?"

  "Oh, I see! No, we weren't. We were on Old Derry Road. In Troy."

  "Close to Haven, then."

  "Oh, 'bout a mile from the town line. I'd been feeling sick for a little time--who psy, you know--but I didn't want to say so to Vera. I kept hoping that I would feel better."

  Vera Anderson hadn't gotten sick, and this troubled Leandro. It didn't fit. Vera hadn't gotten a bloody nose, nor lost any teeth.

  "No, she didn't get sick at all," Mrs. Pulsifer said.

  "Except with terror. I guess she was sick with that. For me ... and for herself too, I imagine."

  "How do you mean?"

  "Well, that road's awful empty. She thought I was going to pass out. I almost did. It might have been fifteen, twenty minutes before someone came along."


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